Sandra Shuman, PhD
Artist, writer, and creativity coach Sandra Shuman received a Ph.D. in German literature from Harvard University in 1970. Her fascination with R.M. Rilke’s poetry grew into a lifelong interest in the meaning of symbols and a quest to better understand the nature of the creative process.
Her first book, Source Imagery: Releasing the Power of Your Creativity (Doubleday, NY, 1989) grew out of her teaching experience at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. There, Sandra developed a journal called a Source Book diary, as a means to free up her students’ imagination and improve their learning abilities. Inspired by the results, her sense of purpose shifted. She gave up tenure and left the university to open a private coaching practice and began offering workshops throughout the United States and Europe.
The Source Book diary eventually morphed into a Magic Book, a tool with a two-fold purpose: To initiate readers into opening up latent abilities and to lend them ongoing support on their creative journey. Sandra’s hope is that each burgeoning artist discovers what makes their own Magic Book unique: It opens doors to treasures in both their inner and outer worlds, as it has in hers… as if by magic. Sandra now teaches, consults, and makes art in her garden studio in Somerville, Massachusetts, and in Germany at a friend’s studio near Lake Constance.
Sandra in her garden
An interview with Sandra